Mega List: Social Impact Job Boards

Working in the humanitarian aid sector is a calling. Our jobs are more than employment. They come with a mission to change society for the better.

Treasure your humanitarian ethos!

When you look for a new job, strive to work for companies that have a social mission in addition to a financial one. Make good while making money.

I’ve compiled a list of social impact job boards that list employers and job opportunities that can provide you with a mission and a paycheck. Please review them to find your next dream job.

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Social Impact Job Boards

Please tell me about new job boards we should add to this list to help your friends find meaningful work that improves our world.

  • ImpactSource - the go-to job board for job seekers and employers in the social impact sector. Add your profile (I did!) to increase your visibility.

  • 8,000 Hours - focuses on jobs that threaten the future of civilization so you can have the most impact with your employment

  • Alli Rogers' Climate and Sustainability Jobs - roles working on climate solutions, environmental justice, sustainability, ESG, and related issues.

  • Civic Match - connects ex-federal workers and campaign staff with meaningful roles in state and local governments across the country.

  • Clean Energy Jobs - a curated list of clean energy and sustainability jobs in the USA and worldwide sent to your inbox every week.

  • ClimateBase - accelerate you climate career ambitions with mission-driven organizations, projects and ventures.

  • Democracy Jobs - open roles from across the voters first movement focused on voting and election reform organizations.

  • Devex Job Board - lists global development jobs if you want to stay in this sector.

  • Global Jobs - employment opportunities for international professional in NGO's, think tanks, and governments around the world

  • Government Jobs - find purpose in the public sector by searching for government jobs across the USA with one easy profile.

  • Idealist - the world’s largest job board for opportunities in nonprofits, social-impact businesses, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

  • Impactpool - jobs with mission-driven organizations contributing to a sustainable world.

  • International Development Job Opportunities List - editable Google Sheet listing hundreds of current job opportunities in the humanitarian sector

  • Jobs That Make Sense - features job opportunities with French organizations that focus on environmental challenges.

  • NextBillion Jobs - professional, internship, fellowship and other paid positions relevant to the social enterprise and global development communities.

  • Nonprofit Job and Career Center - Browse hundreds of open nonprofit jobs from across the USA from the National Council of Nonprofit Associations.

  • Open Forum Social Impact Sector Jobs - open access job opportunities in the for purpose sector - nonprofits, philanthropy, and advocacy organizations.

  • PCN Global - curated job and career opportunities in social entrepreneurship, higher education, peacebuilding, gender and more impact organizations.

  • Relief Web - helping humanitarians and aid organizations match career and training opportunities with a global audience.

  • Responsible Tech Job Board - highlights new career opportunities in Responsible AI, Trust & Safety, Tech & Democracy, Public Interest Technology.

  • RippleWorks Jobs Board - job search site with a curated list of 200+ organizations with open positions across every business function

  • Tech Talent Project - open roles for modern technical leaders with Federal government employers in critical economic, policy, and human agencies.

  • Third Sector Jobs - UK-focused jobs in the voluntary and not-for-profit sector.

What other job boards should we list? Please tell me now!